PPR Pipes & Fittings

PPR Pipes & Fittings

SFMC PPR is a leading PPR Pipe and PPR Fittings manufacturer from India. SFMC-PPR pluming solution is considered the best carrier of potable water, using the revolutionary raw material specified FOOD GRADE, which is Strongly believed to be as replacement to conventional GI Pipes which are Prone to rust, leakage and scalping.
SFMC is present on the market of plastic piping systems since 2001. Our major PPR products range covers (polypropylene) PPR plastic pipe systems of pressure and/or hot water (heating) distribution. SFMC PPR System is a dominant producer of PPR Pipe systems in INDIA and ranks among the leading INDIAN manufacturers. To satisfy our customers’ needs, technology development is at the foremost position in the goals of our company.
Today, the company name is connected, in the first place, with production of plastic pipes and fittings that are placed to the market under the brand System – SFMC PPR. Some elements which we have developed, brought significant benefits in the (polypropylene) PPR pipe and PPR Fittings sector even from the point of view of PPR pipe fitting manufacturers with larger reputation and longer experience. This way, our achievements became challenging for competitors with their brands already well-established on the market Together with the intensive growth of production capacities, SFMC thus could penetrate among the leading INDIAN companies in a record-breaking period of time.

We produce PP-R pipes in multi-layer, having 3 different layers of:

Good Properties

We are an ISO-9001:2000 certified company, our products is ISI marked approved by many Industrial Houses including, Suprajit industries, Birla Tyre, Jaypee Cement, Indo Rama. Haldiram Industries, Wipro, Narmada Geleton, Mercury Fabrics, Hindustan Sanitary ware & industries Ltd, Torrent Pharmaceuticals etc to name a few.
For more information and further clarification please contact the under signed.
Thanking you in anticipation, we remain,
With warm regards

For Savoir-Faire Manufacturing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

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